Sunday, December 31, 2006

anno domini 2007

My Christmas - Breughel's Census

Back online! Just in time for the New Year.

Received my new package including a 'livebox' to make our computers wireless. Rather daunting to connect - I could have had it done by my ISP's technician for £65 - but with both my sons home for Christmas, I was saved that expense!

This has been probably our last traditional 'family Christmas' (Mum, Dad & 'the boys') as our eldest is getting married at Easter. So being wirelessly connected 'the boys' (aged 25 & 24) spent most of the time playing a 2-player sci-fi game, 'Red Alert' - one on my desktop and one on my laptop, to the accompaniment of wall-to-wall Simpsons on TV. (Rather touchingly, though, they play these games as a team, both on the same side rather than against each other).
I wonder - if we'd had a daughter, would I get to watch 'Private Life of a Christmas Masterpiece: Breughel's Census at Bethlehem' or perhaps 'Giselle' or 'Cosi fan tutte' ? But, being outnumbered by males 3 to 1, no chance.

So - back to the Blog; but how on earth does one blog? I've forgotten. I was just beginning to get a bit more fluent, and now must start from scratch again. Help!

Their Christmas - 'Red Alert'


Livvy U. said...

Dear a.d.
Happy New Year! Delighted you're back. You were missed. In my experience, you blog by leaping into the dark... seize upon a subject and keep writing. Don't let the voices over the shoulder put you off. Well you know all this, that's why I come back to read you.
May 2007 be special.

anno domini said...

Thanks, Livvy. Happy New Year to you,too!