Sunday, July 29, 2007

A walk for the Sunday Papers

Off to get the papers -

down the road, past the cottages:

Along the Lane, and across the end of the Green:

Enjoy the plants peeping over the high walls:

Along the road to the newsagent's on the corner:

and into the newsagent's shop to buy the papers:

Back past the Green:

Along the road that slopes down from the Green to our little fell:

Through the gap in the stone walls - a type of stile known as a 'Fat Man's Agony':

Down through Prickly Fell:

Back down the road - admiring the campanulas en route :

Home again - and the pleasing prospect of an afternoon with the Sunday Papers:


Anonymous said...

Thankyou. I enjoyed the walk. Sandy

Anonymous said...

You could have started something here - virtual walks! I feel much healthier and I haven't even left my chair!

anno domini said...

Thanks Sandy & Tim!