Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Sods' Lawn

Because of rain you are unable to mow the lawn . You go away for several days. It rains heavily while you are away, and the grass shoots up.

You get back. The lawn already resembles a young hay field , but you can’t cut it because of course you have several more days of rain The grass ripples like a field of corn.

At last a dry day dawns. You clatter through the garage, down the steps and into the back garden carrying the mower awkwardly and trying not to trip over yourself. You unwind the lead taking several minutes to untangle the mischievous knots which have appeared, even though you wound the thing so carefully last time you put it away.

Same thing with the extension lead. Then you plug the mower lead into the extension lead, and clamber up the steps to thread it through the utility-room window to plug it in, (so that you can close the door on it to keep out next-doors’ cat.) You fiddle around plugging in and testing the circuit-breaker. Right - ready to go.

Nothing. Only a small bang, and a puff of smoke. The mower has mysteriously broken itself while you were away. (It was fine last time you cut the grass).

Back inside, having left a trail of soggy footprints all over the newly-washed kitchen floor, you flip through the Argos catalogue and select the perfect replacement. You dash into town to buy it, hoping to get back and have at least one of the lawns done before that black cloud releases its spite.

Out of stock. (In commercial terms the gardening season has ended, and they need all that space for Christmas stuff) Frustrated and resentful, you downright refuse to buy a much more expensive machine ( which anyway can’t be bought ‘in store’, so will take a week to be delivered.)

Empty-handed, you return home as the rain starts again. You have missed your Window of Opportunity.

O well. Turn on the computer, write your blog and avoid looking at the garden.

A nice word:

This word sounds as though it describes how you feel after the above episode - but it doesn’t.

crepuscular adj 1)a. of twilight, b,dim. 2) zoological - appearing or active in twilight.
From the Latin crepusculum twilight, dusk


Anonymous said...

I will conquer the lawn this year!

I've just got an electric lawn raker/scarifer (sp?) and it is my best new toy of the year! The amount of moss it brought up was amazing - far more than my woman power and a rake would ever have managed. It does mean the lawn now looks it has been brutally attacked but I am assured come the spring I will rejoicing with a lawn wimbledon would covet.

I hope the window of opportunity opens again for you soon!

fjl said...

amen to this problem!!

anno domini said...

Thanks, beki - the lawn is now cut; hooray!