As though to prove its rural credentials, where other publications might run a ‘Spot the Ball’ competition (which for those unfamiliar with the idea is a photograph of a football game where the ball has been removed; the competitors have to gauge from the position and the demeanour of the players, where the ball is likely to be) our local newspaper, the Westmorland Gazette runs a weekly ‘Spot the Dog’ competition.
Here we have a rural scene of a sheepdog herding a flock of sheep - and yes, the dog has been removed from the photo.the competitors mark with a cross the place where they estimate the dog should be. It is actually quite good fun. A knowledge of the behaviour of sheep is an advantage.
This week's competition photo is at the top of this page; go on, have a go - spot the dog!
Here is the newspaper’s cartoonist Colin Shelbourn’s spin on the topic:
8 August 2003
Major national news: Britain has a hot summer.
Even the Lake District gets a bit hot.
Due to the weather,
this week's ‘Spot The Dog’ competition
has been replaced with ‘Spot The Camel.’
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