Wednesday, April 25, 2007

An Unforgettable Day

My elder son was married on Easter Day in the Chapel of Trinity College, Cambridge. The weather was kind to us. For the previous week it had been chilly in Cumbria, and I was concerned about the female participants in flimsy summer outfits: I needn't have worried - the sun shone all day. Here are a few photos:

Man and Wife

Leaving the Chapel

Young guests playing 'tag' around the Great Court Fountain (taken from the Hall)

Bride and Groom at the Wedding Breakfast in the 17th Century Great Hall - presided over by Henry VIII (a copy of the Holbein original)
The first dance

What greater thing is there for two human souls than to feel that they are joined together to strengthen each other in all labour, to minister to each other in all sorrow,to share with each other in all gladness,to be one with each other in the silent unspoken memories?
after George Eliot

A lone bridesmaid wanders across twilit Great Court - the end of a wonderful day!


fjl said...

Wow, and congratulations! I am so glad he has found a good woman.

Livvy U. said...

Hi a.d
I haven't been here for a while - the pictures are just lovely. That must have been a very special day. I like you haven't been posting so regularly recently, but I'm still here and hoping to read more from you soon.
Best thoughts

Jonathan Wonham said...

Looks like it was a lovely occasion. I know this location well as I grew up in Hitchin which is not far from Cambridge.

anno domini said...

Thanks, fjl, livvy & jonathan - yes, it was a wonderful day! I'm afraid I'm getting a bit lazy about posting these days! Must pull my sockms up!

anno domini said...

PS that should be 'socks' of course!!

Anonymous said...

Nice pictures. Listen, I know you're interested in the countryside anno domini - I work for Farmers Weekly so I wonder if you'd be interested in my Field Day blog...

Princesse Ecossaise said...

wow...these pictures are absolutley beautiful, what a proud mum you must be!

anno domini said...

Thanks, tim.
yes, princesse - it was all rather unbelievable - seems no time at all since the groom was a little blond toddler! Time is a strange thing!